
Jav (Barley)

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Jav also known as barley , holds a spiritual value when it comes to Hinduism , it is said that if you have been facing problems and misfortunes in your life, then you must worship Shivlinga with barley. Apart from getting the blessings of Lord Shiva, doing this would fill your life with positive energies and would bring back cheerfulness in life. All the evil things will make their way out of your life.

Categories: Pooja Samagri
Importance of Jav

        Great for Kapha dosha - In Ayurveda, Barley is strongly recommended for people with Kapha and Pitta 'prakriti'. So it is particularly useful for children and younger populations which tend to be more susceptible to Kapha and Pitta related doshas. Barley is lighter to digest and does not produce excess mucus in the system.

           Natural coolant – Barley is cooling in nature as per Ayurvedic texts, and hence combines well with winter foods such as Bajra and Ragi. It is also great for people suffering from excess body heat and related digestive or skin conditions.

Type Pooja Samagri
Quality A Grade

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