

Q: Why are we well known in Nasik district?

As our business is running since our great great grand father , The late Dagdu Bhau Chandwadkar and his son, The late Sukhlal Dagdu Chandwadkar from 1955 till now we established a well-known brand with reliable quality service in Nasik. Our customer know that we don’t compromise quality over price in any condition.

Q: Can you buy items in wholesale ?

Of course, you can get items in wholesale, In our wholesale policy, we provide all products staring from dry fruits to rare ayurvedic herbs, we keep enough quantity of all products. The Maximum you buy the best rate you get.

Q: How we frequently we refresh our stock ?

When it comes to dry fruits, we refresh our dry fruits every 4-5 days, but dry fruits like Almonds , Pista , and dried dates are refresh every month because these items are usually dry and can be preserved at Room temperature , and dry fruits like Raisins , Dates , Figs , Apricots need cool temperature , these items are stored at our cold storage area.

Q:Do we export our goods out of India ?

We export our spices , Dry fruits , Herbs and all other products over all states in India, We are planning for making our brand global in up coming years.

Q: How can you reach us out if you want to contact ?

1. You can contact us on our Website.
2. Simply writeup your query on su.dagduteliandsons@gmail.com and send.
3. Call us on (0253)2456611.
4. Contact us on Our Facebook page

Q: What length of time do herbs and spices remain fresh ?

With most herbs and spices, cooks can expect the herbs and spices to maintain their freshness for approximately one year; up to 3 years with many dried, whole spices. Spices and herbs should always be stored in an area that is out of direct sunlight, away from any type of moisture and, preferably, in a dark area, such as a pantry away from any cooking surfaces. Spices- 36 Months, Herbs-36 Months

Q: How fresh are Su.Dagduteli’s Spices ?

We pride ourselves on the freshness of our products, since we grind, blend and package them based on orders. This allows the product to maintain its freshness by not sitting in our warehouse ground and blended.

Q: Will Ayurveda take long time to improve or cure my problem ?

One of the fundamental principles of Ayurveda is to treat a patient on a holistic level. Instead of just providing relief from symptoms, it identifies the root cause of the disease and aims to give you a permanent cure, wherever possible. Instead of a short-term cure and instant relief, Ayurveda focuses on giving you long-term health and well-being, which is bound to take some time. Similar to any type of treatment, the time taken for improvement or cure of your disease in Ayurveda depends upon the severity and type of your disease. The stage at which you go for Ayurvedic treatment makes a huge difference. If you have been living it for the last 5-10 years, you can't expect to see improvements in a few weeks. The longer you wait to go for Ayurvedic treatment, the longer it will take to get relief and treat the condition. However, if you sincerely follow the diet and lifestyle advice given to you by your doctor, and take your ayurvedic medicines regularly on time, Ayurvedic treatment is sure to show improvements in a relatively shorter period of time.

Q: What importance do herbs have ?

Herbs are gentle and natural treatment. They do not have any side effects, because they are compatible with the body’s own chemicals. They are absorbed easily and because of their different characteristics (desiccant/humid, incentive/sedative etc.) it is possible to choose exactly the right herbs which can cure in the given case depending on the illness.

Q: Why try Ayurveda?

The history of Ayurveda goes back 5,000 years. At present there are more and more physicians from all over the world who are interested in it and who have adapted this medicinal system to our western society. Ayurveda and ayurvedic treatment techniques have been proven effective in many clinical studies. Ayurveda should be the first choice in case of chronic (drawn-out) illness, which can not be treated in a satisfactory manner by conventional medicine. Ayurveda aims not only to treat the sick person, but also to prevent illness in healthy people, who can get ill due to stress, family problems and so on. Therefore it is not possible to call Ayurveda, the science of life, merely as alternative medicine.

Q: What is the best time to eat dry fruits? Before or after meals ?

Fruits that are eaten immediately after meal tend not to digest appropriately or as it ought to. The nutrients that should be absorbed into the body might not be adequately absorbed. If not taken before a meal, you might need to spare 30-35 minutes before taken fruits after meal.

Q: Which dry fruit contain calcium ?

Calcium is an essential nutrient required for the human body to be healthy. It helps in repairing bones and making new ones. Several dry fruits contain calcium, some of which includes; Raisins, dried Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Almonds, etc. Dried apricot- Dried apricot contains 5mg of calcium in every 100gm of it. Dried fig- 241mg per cup Dates- Each date has around 15mg of calcium Dried kiwi- It contains 34 mg in every 100gm

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