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Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is found in the Indian forests, the roots of which are of high medicinal value and used for balancing all the three doshas, especially Pitta dosha. In terms of the Ayurvedic doshas, Shatavari contains both the bitter and sweet tastes. Scientists have also discovered that Shatavari helps the immune system recover more quickly from exposure to toxins by protecting blood-producing cells in the bone marrow and by enhancing the production of immune-regulating messeng er molecules. This is using for pooja.

Categories: Pooja Samagri,
Importance of Shatavari

 Shatavari is used in Ayurveda to balance pitta and vata, but can increase kapha due to its heavy nature. Its bitter and sweet taste has a cooling effect on the system, and its unctuous (oily), building nature makes it a great support for anyone looking for a nourishing, grounding effect. These combined qualities make it a rasayana (rejuvenative) for the reproductive system (particularly female), the digestive system (particularly when pitta is involved), and for the blood.

Type Pooja Samagri
Quality A Grade

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