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Kutki has been used for many centuries in various medicinal cultures across India, Greece and Arabia. Kutki is traditionally used as a hepatoprotective, antiasthmatic, immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory. It has an incredibly bitter taste, which is indicative of its activity in the liver. Kutki is most widely recognised for its protective and regenerative effects upon the liver, protecting against long-term damage and bacterial infection that can be influenced by chronic drug consumption or abuse. Kutki will also improve circulation within the liver, ensuring that it is working and metabolising efficiently, supporting detoxification. Its stimulating effect upon the liver means that kutki also stimulates digestive metabolism and can be quite purging and clearing for the bowels, particularly where there is chronic congestion or toxicity.

Categories: Herbs

1. Helps shield the liver from toxins, stress and the environment
2. Decongests bile and liver ducts, supporting healthy bile flow
3. Encourages liver, gallbladder and intestinal detox
4. Supports healthy external skin
5. Maintains the integrity of the intestinal and respiratory inner skin
6. Maintains healthy lymph and immune function

Type Herbs
Quality A Grade

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