Shivlingi Beej

Shivlingi Beej

Shivlingi Beej or Shivlingi Seeds are used for the treatment of female infertility. It is a uterine tonic and promotesfertility. It is fertility booster herb used in ayurveda. However, it has different ayurvedic properties and based on these properties, it reduces Cough problems. Therefore, Shivlingi is more beneficial if the patient has more symptoms of increasing Cough. It also reduces constipation. It is useful in reducing blood sugar levels. These seed have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-pyretic properties.

Categories: Herbs

1. Shivlingi Beej or Shivlingi Seeds are used for the treatment of female infertility.
2. It reduces problem of Cough.
3. Shivlingi seeds are used for treating fevers in ayurvedic medicine.
4. Shivlingi is used as a remedy for constipation.

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